It was a dark and stormy night when an alien killed the last man on Earth, but now I’m going to explain to you all the story, let’s start:
-It was a fantastic summer day when everything began; a meteorite fell in Central Park (
It wasn’t a normal meteorite, it was an alien! The alien was big and it seemed aggressive and dangerous; Scientifics took it and they did lots of tests but they didn’t know which was its planet. They didn’t stop, but one day the alien disappeared and the Scientifics became very nervous and they said to the people:
-Close in to your houses because the alien can be dangerous if it call their similar in its planet. And the people laughed to that but a few days later the Scientifics were in right lots of UFOs land in the Earth and they weren’t friendly they, destroyed all they saw: houses, people...
The army of all the world indented to destroy them but their weapons were more powerful than soldiers weapons; and lots, millions of human beinss die in that war.
Only a few people could escape, they escaped to the mountains but aliens didn’t spend too much time to search theym; they put some nuclear bombs in the mountains and all the people died, except one man who could escape in a cave, vey far from the mountains, in the jungle. But aliens with their advanced technology knew than a man wasn’t dead and they wanted all the people in the earth dead, and they started to pursue him.
Two months later, ten aliens died in an human trap, they became very furious and they sent two hundred of alien soldiers to kill that last human being. When they found him was a dark and stormy night. He was in a little cave when aliens saw him they shot and a laser shot crossed his head and that’s the story about the last human on the Earth.