dilluns, 21 de març del 2011


Do you think that biography films are boring?
Then you should watch 8 miles,it explains the life of a popular music artist called Eminem.
The film is about how this rap singer became famous, it explains all the problems and bad things that are happening while he is trying to be famous.
8 miles has got a fantastic plot and the actors are excellent, I enjoyed it very much, and I think everyone should see it.

dimecres, 16 de març del 2011

Newspaper article

A thief who steals a watch and a wallet returns the watch... to be false!

A thief stole a wallet and a watch from a man who was eating in a restaurant. A few days later the thief went to the restaurant to return the watch, saying thatit was false. The waiter told that to the police and they returned the watch to the man who had been stolen.
Finally the police caught the thief and now it is in prison because he didnt want to return the wallet to it's owner.
In conclusion...WHAT AN IDIOT THIEF!


She or he, that is not a question.He
Is very idiot, although he is a
Man who nows everything.But he
Is the best man i've ever known.


diumenge, 28 de novembre del 2010

Accident in France

It was a dark night in France. A security guard was smoking a cigarette, in a factory of gas, he threw his cigarette on the floor and...BOOM.
All the factory was destroyed in seconds.
It was one of the most important disasters in France, ten people died, three guards and seven empolyees. It happened because a gas pipe broke and the fire of the cigarette made it explode.
Because of that accident a lot of gas factories in the world revise their pipes every day.

dimecres, 17 de novembre del 2010

Informative essay,an endangered animal:The Koala

The koala is one of the most endangeredd animals in the world.But why is The koala one of the most endangered animals? It's easy to answer:The koala lives in the forests of Australia, but now there are lots of roads among the forests, and when the koalas wanted to go to another tree, they have to cross some roads, and they usually dies crossing them.But it's not only this, koalas have a vey special fur, very cute and soft fur , and when some bad people see a koala they catch it and take it's fur to sell and koala dies.
But can we do anything to save koalas?
There are some organizations that have built some tunnels below the roads(so that koalas can cross them).
In conclusion, is very sad that people kills koalas only for its fur and that we have bulilt too inecesary roads.

Final reflection

I'm going to talk about the final reflection about comenius program.
It was all very good, in general i think that it has been a very interesting expirience because we learned a lot of english and new culture from another country very different than our country.
We have worked a lot, sometimes more and sometimes less but all of that work has been necesary to have that funny and interesting moments.
It has been an unforgettable expirience I never forget it.

dimecres, 19 de maig del 2010

dimarts, 27 d’abril del 2010

My childood memoriees

It was a sunny day when I and my family left Avià, I was very young, four of five years old I think.
We were very happy because we were going to visit my cousin in Barcelona. While we were traveling, Carles, my cousin was sleeping, but his parent's weren't at home, they were at the zoo, planning a very special party.Why in the zoo?
Because it was my and my cousin's birthay (we were born on the same day but I'm four hours older than him)
When we arrived at my uncles' house Carles was sleeping, I'm vey "bad" with my cousin, so, I took a a glass of cold water and I threw It to my cousin, he got up immediately and he shouded:
-Oh my god! why we born on the same day?!!!
And afer that, we hugged each other and we said at the same time:
-Happy birthay!!
An hour later we were at the zoo, but I and Carles didn't know what surprise was expecting us at the zoo.
It was only the second time that I went to the zoo, so when a zoo worker sorrounded by animals brought us a birthay cake we were very surprised.
After that, we went to see the monkeys, I like monkeys a lot because I think they're very idiot and funny.
While I was watching the monkeys my parents, my cousin and my uncles went out of the zoo thinking about other things and they lost me in the zoo, but when my cousin asked for me my parents cried:
-Oh! no we lost him at the zoo!!
A few seconds later my father was running to the zoo to pick me up.
When two hours later he found me I was still watching monkeys and crying my father asked me:
-Oh my dear why didn't you come with us when we left the zoo?
-Because I think that monkeys are more interesting than you!!
I answered laughing.
It was one of my favourites days and I wish that it makes you laugh a little.

diumenge, 28 de març del 2010

Videoclip: lose yourself

Lost yourself: by Eminem

I'm going to write about the song Lose yourself by Eminem.
Nowadays, Eminem is a very important hip-hop singer. His real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers but all the people calls him Eminem because this is the pronuntiation of the first letters of his name and surname(M&M)
He grew up with his grandmother because his father didn't want to care for him.
And when Eminem became famous he didn't want to know anything of his father.
'Lose yourself' is not the most famous song but it's a very important one.
That song wins the oscar as the best song of the year.
The song is about his live, and all the problems that he has had along his life.

I think it's a very good song because he explains his live with the song and when I listen to it i feel very well.
It's a very good song and there aren't any negative aspects the only negative aspect is that there are a lot of swearwords but it's rap, ;)

The videoclip is one of the bests videoclips i have ever seen.
In the videoclip there are some scenes of his film ans some videos of concerts.

In conclusion, I think it's one of the best songs of Eminem and i love it.

divendres, 26 de febrer del 2010

What will be my life like in 20 years.

I won't be very tall, my eyes will be brown, and I will be blond, like now.
I will live here in Catalonia, because I think it's the best country in the world.
I will live in a big house next to the sea and i will have another house in the mountain because i love the sea and skiing too.
I will have two children, one boy and one girl.
I will work as a pilot but I will have a chain of hotels called "EL POLL CÒMODE"
I will be rich and I will collect cars, that will be my hobbie.
But everything I've written is only my imagination because in the future rich as well as poor.

divendres, 12 de febrer del 2010

Panellet''s Photo

Cooking Programe

Panellet''s Recipe


Time: two days
Level: easy

INGREDIENTS (for one kg of panellets):

- 1/2 kg of flour of almond.
- 1/2 kg of sugar.
- One potato or one boiled, sweet potato.
- 100 g of pine nuts
- 1 egg


1- First, boil the potato with skin. Peel it and mash it with a fork.
2- Then, we mix almonds, the boiled potato and the sugar. Until you obtain a homagenous mass.
3- Then, We leave it to rest for two days.
4- After that, We make little balls.
5- Then, We put egg white on little balls and We put the pine nuts around them.
6- Finally, We put it in the oven for 20 minutes at 200ºC, after that you can enjoy panellets!

Name: Alec Felip Piñar, Pau Xandri i Guillem Lladós.

dilluns, 28 de desembre del 2009

dissabte, 21 de novembre del 2009

Only aliens

It was a dark and stormy night when an alien killed the last man on Earth, but now I’m going to explain to you all the story, let’s start:

-It was a fantastic summer day when everything began; a meteorite fell in Central Park (New York)

It wasn’t a normal meteorite, it was an alien! The alien was big and it seemed aggressive and dangerous; Scientifics took it and they did lots of tests but they didn’t know which was its planet. They didn’t stop, but one day the alien disappeared and the Scientifics became very nervous and they said to the people:

-Close in to your houses because the alien can be dangerous if it call their similar in its planet. And the people laughed to that but a few days later the Scientifics were in right lots of UFOs land in the Earth and they weren’t friendly they, destroyed all they saw: houses, people...

The army of all the world indented to destroy them but their weapons were more powerful than soldiers weapons; and lots, millions of human beinss die in that war.

Only a few people could escape, they escaped to the mountains but aliens didn’t spend too much time to search theym; they put some nuclear bombs in the mountains and all the people died, except one man who could escape in a cave, vey far from the mountains, in the jungle. But aliens with their advanced technology knew than a man wasn’t dead and they wanted all the people in the earth dead, and they started to pursue him.

Two months later, ten aliens died in an human trap, they became very furious and they sent two hundred of alien soldiers to kill that last human being. When they found him was a dark and stormy night. He was in a little cave when aliens saw him they shot and a laser shot crossed his head and that’s the story about the last human on the Earth.

dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009

dissabte, 10 d’octubre del 2009


I'm Guillem Lladós, I'm 13 years old and I live in Avià(I'ts a small town near Berga)
I'm blonde and the colour of my eyes brown and i like playing football.
My father name's Juli and he's a fireman.
My mother name's Rosa and she's a childminder.
I have a sister, her name is Ares and she's 12 years old.
Every day I get up at 7:00 o'clock, I have a shower and i have breakfast; then I make the bed and I put on my clothes and sometimes I watch TV for 15 minutes more or less.
Then I go to the bus stop and the bus brings me from Avià to berga.
The classes begin at 8:30 and they finish at 5:30.
After the classes I have a snack and usually I play with the computer.
Now I'll show you some of my hobbies:
-I like playing football and I play in Avià football team.
-I love going skateboarding.
-I have two little planes and twice a week i go to a field and i fly with them.